Sunday, 30 November 2014

Energy drinks!

I have recently been told about energy drinks, not that I'm a huge fan of them maybe once or twice a year I will treat myself to a cherry Lucozade but that's about it. I personally don't enjoy fizzy drinks I don't like the after feeling it leaves on my teeth but my sister loves energy drinks, and has recently cut  down after I researched into it slightly more.
The problem we have with energy drinks is there is no limit on how much caffeine they can put in, and not only too much caffeine but they put lots of sweeteners in as well. Sometimes there is 4-12 times more caffeine in a energy drink compared to a soda or coffee which is crazy when you start to think about it. It is a well known fact that red bull and monster energy drinks kill more people than marijuana each year baring in minds children from all ages can go out and buy energy drinks.
Energy drinks dehydrate the body  and can cause many problems such as stoke, high blood pressure and kidney stones, theses are just a few of the side effects of energy drinks. From 2007 to 2011 emergency room visits have over doubled from 10,000 up to 21,000 from bad affects after drinking energy drinks, as there is no age limit on buying theses drinks people can react badly especially if they already have a health issue (weather they know about it or not.)

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