Web 2.0
Web 2.0 (which is also known as web 2) is a popular term for advanced Internet technology and applications including blogs, wikis, Facebook etc... This is all to do about social networking and communicating with each other. We use web 2.0 most days, if not every day in our busy lives we use it for many different reasons such as research, knowledge and communicating with each other all over the world. There are two main issues I want to discuss when using web 2.0: number one is being the information we’re using, is it valid or not? We now have so many choices when it comes to the web for instance when we use it? What we use? Where we use it? And how to use the knowledge and information best? Some people make mistakes and yes we all learn from mistakes but making a mistake with the web means it will always be out there somewhere and for someone to see, younger adults tend to post images or post about alcohol, partying, and some use bad language and this can come back and haunt you later in life, it could possible stop you from getting your dream job. Wikipedia is a good example of invalid information, and is a website students should stay away from, anyone can edit information on Wikipedia and make up utter nonsense and post it on there. Number 2 is how easy it is for us to make new friends online using social media, and is it a good or bad thing? For example on Facebook you can search any name and hundreds or people with that name will pop up, it always offers you mutual friends, or people that are interested in the same interests as you and you can request to be friends with a complete stranger that lives on the other side of the world to you. Which makes it easy for someone to pretend to be someone they are not.

After the web crashed people decided that the web was still more important than ever. Tim O’Reilly and MediaLive International started brain storming session and this is where they came up with the idea of Web 2.0. Tim O’Reilly describes Web 2.0 with a ‘meme’ map which is like a spider diagram with different sections of Web 2.0 surrounding my main points. It represents all the different ideas and concepts and what really identifies something as Web 2.0. Not long after he released the meme map in 2007 he posted and shorter definition of Web 2.0 while blogging ‘Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning, all connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it, consuming ad remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating networks effects through as “architecture of participation,” and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences.’
This then brings me to my next point of architectures of participation. Architectures of participation is about using the tool of networking and communicating which encourages and enables us all to participate with social networking. This is really important as we need visitors to be able to connect and interact by using Web 2.0. We need to be active and take part in both reading and creating our own opinions to share worldwide. We all need to participate which means we all need time, money and skills and as long as we are willing to try something new Web 2.0 will keep improving and gives us the successful relationships with each other and the social media. Web 2.0 is very powerful when you really start to think about it, when you share information on a website or social media you are sharing it with the world, and this has only happened recently. When we send letters to each other that is on a one to one basis and will still always be needed with private and confidential personal situations, but on the other hand we have mass media now such as TV and radios which is a many-to-many approach and is a lot easier, but with Web 2.0 we can all use and all see each other’s thoughts etc.. And it is a much quicker approach to sharing whatever we want with the world. There is so much for us to use by using Web 2.0 we can comment, criticise, share, remix information, music, pictures, video and the list goes on and on, this gives us the opportunities and the freedom to communicate. We all have the choice in what we search for online, what we follow, what we download and what we like as individuals, and all have a choice in what we share with the world and what we think is suitable to put out there for everyone to see.
I personally use Facebook, Youtube, twitter, Skype, google +, Hotmail and lots more on a daily basis normally, and not only do I use it for business but for social networking with friends here at home that are just down the road and for friends half way round the world. As I am a dance teacher I am always downloading music and researching what music children like at all different ages. Most people have emails and that's how I keep up to date with my work colleagues and via Facebook with some. We all send emails and attach music tracks and documents for performances as we don't have the time to see each other every day (most of us are so busy with work and commitment.) When you sit down and think about how much we all use Web 2.0 it is insane, I don't know how we all communicated before. It is so quick and easy to use within a click of a button you can send whatever you need, and the fact we now have all of this on our phones, tablets, Ipads etc... We can do it anywhere and at any time.
Another interesting point to make is people generally think students and the younger generation are better with technology as we were bought up in a world where we have the web and computers, laptops, ipads etc… I don’t always find this true I have many friends that are good and bad with technology, it depends what type of person you are. I find myself afraid of technology I’m worried I will erase, delete or break something and tend to ask someone to do it for me. With the web changing and improving everyday no one can know everything, if you learn the basic skills at school or else where you should be able to apply your skills and achieve what you need to.
After reading an interesting article on how students turn straight to the web nowadays and don’t use the library as much, I made a point of going to the library and getting a book out I am currently reading ‘Psychology of the Media’ which talks about all types of media including the web and how it effects us as people, does it make us a better person? And about how certain people post hostile messages which are unneeded, and how people see something online and want it, or want to become like it weather its good or bad which is interesting to read about.

We can all now remix data and transform the information we
read on the screen into our own words. We all share pictures, music, ideas,
text and all this information we share bounces off of each other and to other
people using Web 2.0 this slightly brings us all together and emerges who
consume the data and the people who make media. This now makes the artist the
audience and the audience can also be the artist if they like, this makes Web 2.0
more popular and is one of the key selling points that we all get to watch and
get a say in what we put out there. Also no information will ever be unfinished
because somewhere out there in the world there will be someone sharing,
commenting or renewing that information, the world is always changing and
improving and hopefully has a snowball knock on effect.
Web 2.0 also gives us the chance to communicate with strangers, we can connect with our next door neighbour just as much as we can communicate with someone the other side of the world to us. Social networking has improved greatly that we can now find strangers that have things in common with us such as; the same secondary school, live/lived in the same location as us, people we have mutual friends with etc... We also come across people with completely different and diverse backgrounds to, and we can all come together as equals. Web 2.0 encourages social networking, where our pages or link can connect with someone else's, our information can be searched and positioned online where we are allowed to connect with other people. The fact there was 1 billion users using Facebook at the beginning of 2013 shows how powerful and how effective it can be for businesses trying to advertise.
Also nowadays we have a bad habit of setting our expectations high, we presume with a click of a button we will have the knowledge we like to know then and there. I do it all the time, for example when I’m watching a film and want to know the name of the actor or actress I just put it into google and it comes up with everything you need to know especially on IMDb. Only a few years ago people that had the knowledge, education and experience got the job but now we all can access the knowledge it’s not about gathering it but being most organized, making the best decisions in your career and most motivated or well driven.
Thanks Gemma