Recently I have been researching into different topics and ideas for find my personal inquiry for Module 2. I had a few ideas from Module 1 that I started to research but I have came up with a couple more the last few days.
My first original idea was why do boys/men dance less than girls? What effects boys not to dance? And how can we do to encourage them to dance more? I could also go into do more boys prefer Musical Theatre to dance?
I researched into this and the first thing I came across was an article, this wasn't the most interesting account that I have read but the comments and discussion people got into about it was very interesting. One women believed that it was English men that had the problem but in other countries and cultures it is counted very masculine for men to dance, and that us English are the issue and needed to get past this phase!
Here is the link to the blog I read:
My second idea is 'How children are effected by exams and performing on stage differently?' This gave lots to explore, what do they prefer? How children handle being nervous differently? What they personality perform better in? With lots of people watching, or just one person watching and examining them? But I'm not sure this will effect my workplace it will bring me more knowledge on what effects children and how their emotions are different though.
My favourite idea at the moment is 'Fitting extra exam classes and rehearsals without any clashes to the normal timetable?' This idea leaves me with a lot of doors to open such as hiring an extra hall, extra teacher so more the business side of things? And can go into what children prefer to miss normal classes or rehearsals etc… and are the children effected by it? does it leave the student trying to catch up on things they have missed? But is there a solution?!
I need to dig deeper into each of these idea's to see which best suits my workplace and future career as I want the most rewarding outcome. I have a couple more idea's but I think these three are my favourite so need to play around with the question and how to word it so I come up with the most effective title.
Good start any updates Gemma on your line of inquiry - ethics?